
We have a passion for People Analytics and Strategic Workforce Planning.

We believe that the evolution of the discipline will be accelerated when thought leaders and practitioners share ideas across the global community.


Our contribution can be found on this page, however we are keen to hear the opinion of others - please join and contribute to this LinkedIn Group:

Navigating People Analytics


Otherwise, a selection of opinion pieces can be found below:

Aug 5, 2024
By Sam Hill
In the nine years that Workforce Dimensions has been offering People Analytics consultancy services, we have asked a variant of this question at the outset of our client engagements:  ... More

Jul 31, 2024
By Sam Hill
Organisations routinely fail to transition from Workforce Reporting to People Analytics.   The cause can be structural or developmental. Frustratingly, often the problem starts with senior people analytics practitioners being... More

Jul 23, 2024
By Sam Hill
There is confusion around what people analytics is – and isn’t – and its scope.   As a consequence, consumer expectations are unclear, and the skills and experiences deemed necessary... More

May 16, 2024
By Sam Hill
A significant proportion of Strategic Workforce Planning initiatives fail to deliver their desired outcomes - often because the organisation just wasn’t ready. Foundations need to be in place before... More

May 9, 2024
By Sam Hill
There is a severe risk that educational interventions, regardless of content and facilitator quality, will successfully broaden the skill set and uplift the competency of the individual, but fail to... More